_Scelto per voi/Video
Conoscere i sistemi di valutazione della sostenibilità ambientale degli edifici è diventato un must indispensabile visto come il mercato sta evolvendo in dimensione globale: investitori stranieri che vogliono costruire edifici efficienti in Italia e studi di progettazione e costruttori italiani, che sviluppano sempre più il loro lavoro in varie parti del mondo, sono in qualche modo obbligati a rimanere costantemente aggiornati sugli standard di certificazione.
I due protocolli sicuramente più diffusi sono il britannico BREEAM, il più usato con oltre 16.000 edifici certificati in 50 paesi, e lo statunitense LEED, che segue a ruota con 13.000 edifici per lo più in USA, a cui si affiancano gli italiani Casaclima e Itaca, il francese HQE e il tedesco DGNB.
In questo filmato vengono introdotte le più usate strategie in ognuno delle 6 categorie LEED: Sustainable Sites, Water Efficiency, Energy & Atmosphere, Materials & Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, e Innovation in Design con particolare riferimento a 3 dei 5 sistemi di valutazione BD+C (Building Design and Construction), O+M (Building Operations and Maintenance), and ID+C (Interior Design and Construction, gli altri 2 sono ND (Neighborhood Development) e HOMES (Homes).
_Scelto per voi/Testi
Green Building Rating and Certification Systems
Green building rating and certification systems require an integrated design process to create projects that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building's life-cycle: from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and demolition. A few of these programs are single-attribute, focusing solely on water or energy, while others are multi-attribute addressing emissions, toxicity, and overall environmental performance in addition to water and energy. While the philosophy, approach, and certification method vary across these the systems, a common objective is that projects awarded or certified within these programs are designed to reduce the overall impact of the built environment on human health and the natural environment.
According to RSMeans there are four principles that should be considered when evaluating a building rating or certification system:
•Science-based - Results and decisions must be reproducible by others using the same standard.
•Transparent - Standards and process for awarding the certification should be transparent and open for examination.
•Objective - Certification body should be free of conflict.
•Progressive - Standards should advance industry practices, not simply reward business as usual.
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_Termine del mese
Green building rating systems - Rating and certification systems help define green buildings in the market. They inform how environmentally sound a building is, providing clarity to what extent green components have been incorporated and which sustainable principles and practices have been employed. Many different rating systems exist, and each has pros and cons depending on the specifics of your building.
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_Dizionario tecnico
The Building Research Environmental Assessment Method, UK |
LEED | Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, USA |
GBI | Green Building Initiative Green Globes, USA, Canada |
GBC | Green Building Council |
ASHRAE | American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers |
LCA | Life-cycle assessment |
siting | ubicazione |
rating | classifica, valutazione |
Certification body | Organismo/Ente certificatore |
Termini tratti da "Inglese per l'Architettura - English for Architecture"
_Scelto per voi/Slang
Frasi colloquiali inglesi, la loro traduzione letterale e il loro significato
Being busy as a bee
(essere indaffarati come un'ape)
Essere impegnatissimi
Enough is enough
(abbastanza è abbastanza)
Quando è troppo... è troppo
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