_Scelto per voi/Video
In questa intervista, dal titolo The Value of Retrofitting Buildings, Ridley pone l'accento sulla necessaria acquisizione di comportamenti "sostenibili" nelle decisioni di acquisto di immobili avvertendo gli investitori dei rischi, nel medio-lungo periodo, connessi a edifici inefficienti energeticamente. Pensare sostenibile aggiunge valore e diventa la cosa giusta da fare, gli investitori non possono esimersi dal guardare il futuro da una prospettiva di efficienza energetica, semplicemente perché il senso comune si unisce ad un buon business. Suggerisce ai governi di investire nell'educazione dei giovani che vivranno e lavoreranno in questi edifici perché agiscano saggiamente e favoriscano scelte di risparmio energetico nelle loro scelte di prodotti e servizi.
Nel settore immobiliare inglese una iniziativa che ha stimolato molto interesse e che promette reali soluzioni pratiche è stata la ceazione del sito web LessEn che si caratterizza come dinamico centro d'informazione e di soluzioni sulle misure da adottare per il risparmio energetico in edifici non residenziali. LessEn è una piattaforma gratuita altamente collaborativa dove scambiare idee, trovare gli strumenti giusti e le migliori menti. Ne sono partners, fra gli altri, Arup, Hines, Philips, Lutron, World Economic Forum, UK Green Building Council.
Intervista a Nick Ridley
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Biografia di Nicholas Ridley
_Scelto per voi/Testi
Existing Building Retrofits
The Institute for Building Efficiency
A building doesn't have to be new to be green. Today's building owners are retrofitting buildings, converting existing buildings into models of sustainability. They are using new financing tools such as performance contracting to minimize financial risk and maximize energy savings. With an emphasis on "whole building" rather than piecemeal approaches, existing buildings can significantly lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions while producing financial rewards for owners.
Today's energy efficiency incentives from utilities and governments support single measures and technologies and do little to encourage complete building retrofits that save much more energy. Under a proposed Deep Energy Efficiency Pays (DEEP) program, utilities could offer incentives based on the measured performance of entire commercial, institutional and industrial buildings. The program would benefit all three key groups of stockholders: utilities, building owners, and third-party efficiency service providers.
DEEP Program Creates Incentives for Whole-Building Retrofits
(Tratto da www.institutebe.com)
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DEEP Programs for Retrofits
Green building retro fits
The Institute for Building Efficiency is a new initiative of Johnson Controls providing information and analysis of technologies, policies, and practices for efficient, high performance buildings and smart energy systems around the world. The IBE leverages the company's 125 years of global experience providing energy efficient solutions for buildings to support and complement the efforts of non-profit organizations and industry associations. The IBE focuses on practical solutions that are innovative, cost-effective and scalable.
What is a building retrofit?
What exactly is a retrofit, and how does it differ from a renovation or a tune-up? There are a variety of terms used in the building sector and many of them overlap. Below are some of the most common terms and their definitions.
Retrofitting is the process of modifying something after it has been manufactured. For buildings, this means making changes to the systems inside the building or even the structure itself at some point after its initial construction and occupation.
Typically this is done with the expectation of improving amenities for the building's occupants and/or improving the performance of the building. The development of new technologies mean that building retrofits can allow for significant reductions in energy and water usage.
Refurbishment During a refurbishment a building is improved above and beyond its initial condition. Refurbishments are often focussed on aesthetics and tenant amenities, but they can also include upgrades to the building's mechanical systems and can potentially have an effect on energy and water efficiency.
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Retrofitting of existing buildings
University of Bath, UK, aprile 2012
Dizionario tecnico
retrofit | aggiunto in seguito, ammodernamento, miglioramento prestazionale |
building retrofit | riqualificazione energetica dell'edificio |
greenhouse | serra |
financial rewards | compensi finanziari |
utilities | utenze |
stockholders | azionisti |
upgrades | aggiornamenti, miglioramenti |
Termine del mese
Retrofitting - Modifying existing equipment or structures with additional or new components or members.
(tratto da "www.businessdictionary.com")
_Scelto per voi/False friends
Parole inglesi assonanti a parole italiane ma con diverso significato
Se dici: | accomodate |
Stai dicendo: | installare |
Se vuoi dire: | accomodare, aggiustare |
Devi usare: | repair |
Se dici: | implant |
Stai dicendo: | piantare |
Se vuoi dire: | impianto |
Devi usare: | system, installation |
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