The Alameda Restaurant, located in Esporte Clube Pinheiros, signed jointly by the brazilian architecture offices Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos and Zanatta Figueiredo Arquitetos Associados, arises from the challenge of materialize, in an area of great interaction and convergence of the club, a construction in synergy with the existing rich and generous landscape patrimony. The design stems from the drawing of a modular structural grid in an area with great mature and firm vegetation. Considering that, the program is organized in a way that the lobby area lives in harmony with the trees, sometimes surrounding, sometimes placed inside the construction.

In order to enable the fast execution and the coherent choice of the construction materials alongside the banks of the Pinheiros river, it was adopted a hybrid constructive solution, with the use of concrete foundations, steel columns and beams and panel slabs on the roof, that creates an accessible terrace. The modular structure hosts the covered lobby area, kitchen and service areas, besides the bathrooms. In the center of the lobby, the stairs vertically integrates the reception area of the ground floor with the terrace and symbolizes that function through the lighting of its cable stayed surroundings of U-Glass, conceiving a flashlight that acts as an important element for spatial orientation on the club landscape.

The landscaping project, signed by Marcelo Faisal, features several species of native trees. The tropical landscaping was designed to provide more freshness to the restaurant, in addition to limiting the incidence of sunlight on the internal spaces, creating light and shade within the project.. Around the restaurant, there were designed squares with different features, linking the set to the adjacent sand courts and to the Alameda, being considered as extensions of the attendance and living spaces. This relation is strengthened by the permeability and flow of the circulation through the construction in every direction, making the presence of the Alameda Restaurant intrinsic to the daily life of the club users.

Project Sheets
Architecture: Biselli Katchborian Arquitetos, Zanatta Figueiredo
Architects In Charge: Arthur Katchborian, Mario Biselli, Vinícius Figueiredo, Vitor Zanatta
Project Team: Chayene Cardoso
Year: 2018
Location: Esporte Clube Pinheiros, São Paulo
Area: 580 m²
Engineering: Lock Engenharia
Landscape: Marcelo Faisal Paisagismo
Consultants Structural Project: Ernesto Tarnoczy Jr.
Manufacturers:: Aerothermic, Basic Elevadores, Lumini, Melting, Mix Lajes, Primatanelli, TG Group, Tidelli