Red Eléctrica de España - REE (operator of the Spanish national electricity grid) has appointed IDOM to carry out the integral refurbishment of two buildings located in the Tres Cantos Technology Park (Madrid). The project includes the integral rehabilitation of the buildings, adapting them to the new training and technological needs of the company, by modernizing the buildings using an envelope that meets the energy efficiency requirements. The distribution of the new Campus aims to increase the quality of the work spaces and classrooms, as well as achieving efficient organization, maximizing the available space, creating diaphanous and recognizable access zones, reducing and clarifying the zones of the floors for communal areas. A large laboratory and test area has been included, as a space to boost the R&D+I activities of REE.
The buildings are being rehabilitated in their entirety considering energy efficiency, in terms of the design of the insulation of the roof, façades and solar protection. A highly technical solution has been introduced. A Geotabs solution has been designed which includes the thermoactivation of the existing structure in combination with the geothermal use of the grounds as the only production system. The existing structure is a common unidirectional structure, therefore, to thermoactivate the existing structure, IDOM has had to innovate as no solutions were available in the marketplace. Three different technologies were tested on site (shotcrete mortar, gunite mortar, and gypsum application). Finally, the construction of building was underway ratifying exceptional results, both in terms of comfort and energy efficiency. The environmental impact of the rehabilitation works is minimal, meeting the standards of Red Eléctrica and today’s society.