It is an international, theme-based design award, which is holding its first edition in 2015, with the theme of 'Design for Food and Nutrition': design as a tool for the innovation and sustainable development – in the cultural, social, economic and environmental sense – of food production and the systems of communication, distribution and consumption of food. Participation is open to companies and designers. Prizes will be awarded to the best products, food-related processes and services, tools and techniques for the production, processing, preparation and sale of food, the most effective methods for the distribution and consumption of food (including places of distribution), product supports and media communication tools, divided into a number of categories.
The Award also includes an international edition of the Targa Giovani, a prize reserved for young designers following courses of study in design schools. The first edition is giving away a cash prize of 30,000 euros, awarded to the best project produced by students at institutes of higher education.
Products and services can be submitted until 28 February 2015.
To register as a participant and to submit materials, please visit the website.