_Scelto per voi/Video
Il settore della progettazione sta adottando, come quello delle costruzioni, procedure sempre più assimilabili alla produzione industriale.
La tecnologia BIM, Building Information Modeling, non è solo un modo più efficace per progettare e gestire le fasi di edificazione ma rappresenta un vero e proprio cambio di mentalità che investe tutto il ciclo di vita di un edificio.
La condivisione delle conoscenze e delle informazioni dallo studio di fattibilità, alla progettazione, al project management, alla costruzione, al facility management si realizza non più attraverso disegni e documenti ma con una banca dati di "oggetti intelligenti" che una volta inseriti nel ciclo BIM vanno ad integrare i vari livelli di sviluppo del progetto. L'oggetto verrà automaticamente rappresentato in ogni pianta, prospetto, sezione, dettaglio, rendering, computo metrico, pianificazione delle attività, bilancio e piano di manutenzione.
Con l'dozione di questi strumenti e processi sarà più facile risolvere le conflittualità e favorire la collaborazione, riducendo costi e tempi.
_Scelto per voi/Testi
• What's in the Future for BIM?
Many architecture and engineering firms have invested in BIM technology and workflows in the past five years. Many of our clients have also embraced BIM to support their facility management needs. What can design firms and owners do NOW to increase the ROI of BIM?
1. The "I" in BIM will really start to mean something. Designers, constructors and building owners will leverage the information that is right in front of them to add value to the building they are producing. […]
2. Room and Furniture, Fixture, & Equipment (FF&E) validation between the client's requirements and what's in the design via robust data analysis. . […]
3. Better utilization of FF&E assets via RFID, Ultrasound and similar tracking technologies. This technology has been utilized in forward thinking institutions for years. […]
4. Real-time visualization and simulation via cloud computing. Autodesk, and others, have built great cloud computing platforms where we can click a button and have rendering and simulation done, in almost real time, while we continue to work. . […]
5. More Design-Assist relationships between design firms and specialty constructors by passing high value model data back and forth. […]
6. Building owners will start using the model now that they have it. It is very common in the last few years for owners to require a model be turned over to them from the project team at the completion of a project. […]
Continua la lettura dell'articolo su www.array-architects.com
• A Brief History of BIM
This brief history of BIM ("the software that has disrupted traditional methods of representation and collaboration in architecture") comes to us thanks to our friend at the Architecture Research Lab, Michael S Bergin.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a term that has become ubiquitous in the design and construction fields over the past 20 years, but where did it come from? The story is rich and complex with players from the United States, Western Europe and the Soviet Block competing to create the perfect architectural software solution to disrupt 2-Dimensional CAD workflows.
The benefits of an architectural design model tied to a relational database have proven to be incredibly valuable, with contractors becoming the primary drivers of BIM technology for the first time in 2012. [...]
Continua la lettura dell'articolo e la visione delle immagini su www.archdaily.com
Scarica dalla colonna sulla destra i file pdf "AIA American Institute of the Architects BIM FOR RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURE: TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL IN REAL‐WORLD PRACTICE".
_Termine del mese
BIM - BIM is an acronym for Building Information Modelling. It describes the process of designing a building collaboratively using one coherent system of computer models rather than as separate sets of drawings.
It offers enormous gains in saving in cost and time, much greater accuracy in estimation, and the avoidance of error, alterations and rework due to information loss. But adopting BIM involves much more than simply changing the software we use. To achieve all the benefits it offers, everyone in the architecture, engineering and construction industries will have to learn to work in fundamentally new ways. BIM is a whole new paradigm.
Tratto da www.wspgroup.com
_Dizionario tecnico
workflow |
flusso di lavoro |
leverage | effetto leva |
tracking | monitoraggio |
completion | completamento |
ubiquitous | onnipresente, ovunque |
curtain wall |
facciata continua |
Termini tratti da "Inglese per l'Architettura - English for Architecture"
_Scelto per voi/Slang
Frasi colloquiali inglesi, la loro traduzione letterale e il loro significato
Kill two birds with (the) one stone
(uccidere due uccelli con una sola pietra)
Prendere due piccioni con una fava
Start from scratch
(inizia dal graffio)
Ripartire da capo,iniziare da zero
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